LISPOLIS promotes VR & AR events
LISPOLIS has been promoting monthly meetings of the Portuguese community of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). At these events, there is space for presentations on the state of the art of these technologies, debates about their future and even demonstrations of their practical applications.
Por Cíntia Costa
LISPOLIS has promoted with VRARA (VR / AR Association), from April to June 2019, 3 of the 4 meetups held for the professional and curious community about Synthetic Realities, which include Virtual and Augmented Reality. In these monthly meetings, we receive people from different backgrounds who want to know more about these technologies and to meet the different players in the sector.
Synthetic Realities have been through great development in recent years, and it is estimated that the use of these technologies will be widespread in the world population in the coming years, reaching a market of 162 billion dollars in 2020, according to a study by the international consultant Deloitte.
Businesses have been adapting and innovating in their way of working and communicating, and these technologies have contributed to the Digital Transformation of companies and their modernization, creating new forms of interaction with customers, consumers and other stakeholders. It is for this reason that LISPOLIS has supported the realization of these events, as a way of leveraging this market in Portugal and being at the forefront of practical applications for projects and companies.
At the 2nd VR / AR Meetup, the first held at LISPOLIS, at the Veiga Simão Auditorium, in April, we received the keynote spearker Anesio Neto, Head of Communication from XRBR, the largest VR / AR community in Brazil, which brought participants a presentation on the Brazilian market for Virtual and Augmented Reality and explained the operation of XRBR, as well as its importance to the community.
The 3rd VR / AR Meetup was held in the ground floor space of the Technological Forum, in May, and had more than 50 participants, whether registered for the session or visitors within the scope of the Made of Lisbon – Lisbon Robotics, which culminated in event. During the session, it was possible to hear the opening speech by Dr. Francisco Sá, CEO of LISPOLIS, followed by a welcome keynote by the representatives of VRARA in Portugal: Luís Martins and Tiago Loureiro.
The keynote speaker for this meeting was Diogo Andrade, a journalist who won funding from Google’s DNI Initiative and who presented his talk “Hyper Local Journalism with Augmented Reality”. Then, LISPOLIS promoted the debate “VR / AR as the interface of the Digital Revolution”, which was attended by representatives of 3 of the 125 companies installed at the Technological Park of Lisbon: Aptiv, IDMind and FocusBC.
At the 4th VR / AR Meetup, the last of the first season that took place in the Polivalente Room, at the Technological Forum, in June, the opening speech was given by Luis Bravo Martins and Tiago Loureiro, responsible for the Portuguese chapter of VRARA. Pedro Rebordão, Director of Marketing and Innovation at LISPOLIS, also welcomed the participants. This edition’s Keynote Talk was given by David Hall, Former Fortune 100 CEO and Serial Entrepreneur and responsible for VRARA’s Taiwanese chapter.
To close this session, Anesio Neto shared some information about the launch of the Techstarts 1st Immersive Startup Weekend Lisbon program, which took place from July 12th to 14th at Palácio Sotto Mayor, in Lisbon, and was attended by LISPOLIS as a jury.
At the end of each meetup, there was always space for Networking & Drinks, with a showroom for several companies in the sector and the possibility to try some of their technologies.
This initiative will return on October 2, with the 5th VR / AR Meetup at LISPOLIS. In this event we will bring more news, debates and innovative products to showcase. All members of the community and the most curious about VR / AR in Portugal are invited to participate.
If you have a startup or project in this area, you can take this opportunity to make your presentation pitch at the end of the event! Sign up for geral@lispolis.pt