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  • If possible, choose remote work
  • Maintain personal hygiene care
  • Be extra careful with older people
  • Avoid public places, crowds and closed rooms

Since the situation requires companies to adapt, we would like to know if:

  • Did you already had the opportunity to read the LISPOLIS Contingency Plan (aqui)
  • Has your company already created a Contingency Plan
  • Your company equates / is already promoting remote work

We remind you that the primary contact for support on Coronavirus is the number SNS24: 808 24 24 24 

LISPOLIS reviews 2015 successes and presents its objectives for 2016

The year 2015 was marked by a total occupation of the existing spaces for companies, by the adhesion of four new associates (CL2F, the Germano de Sousa Group, NOS and Professor Veiga Simão as the first Honorary Associate), for the start of implementation of the new communications system, by an agenda of regular events, by the investment of Portugal Ventures in a project hosted at LISPOLIS (EasyEasyApps), by the greater recognition of LISPOLIS as an integral part of the Lisbon Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, by the renewal of the image of LISPOLIS, by the launch of LISPOLIS on social networks and hiring a new employee dedicated to marketing and communication.

The continuous improvement of the service and support provided to companies and the constant expansion of the partner network is always present in the LISPOLIS activity. In 2016, we elected as banners to increase the visibility and notoriety of the Technological Pole of Lisbon and the companies installed, which will be possible because the LISPOLIS team currently has more skills to use the various platforms available and to produce content, both for itself and for companies, and the transformation of common spaces in buildings into work zones, making it easier for people to leave their offices and encouraging networking.

To conclude, LISPOLIS currently hosts around 120 companies, around 1,500 employees and € 100 million in revenue, including startups, SMEs and multinationals, which use the office, industrial or laboratory spaces existing at LISPOLIS on a daily basis. In a sentence, LISPOLIS intends to be the Natural Habitat for Innovative and Technological Companies in Growth!

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