Future of Work
The working models are very different today than they were four months ago. Words like remote work or flexible work have entered the vocabulary of all workers and are part of their daily lives, in all sectors of activity. But has the work changed permanently? Or is it just a transitory phase, the result of the current context?
To discuss these issues, LISPOLIS – Polo Tecnológico de Lisboa and TECMAIA – Maia Science and Technology Park promoted an online event with two leaders of IT companies of different dimensions, on June 17, 2020, who left us their perspectives about the subject “The Future of Work”.
André Carvalho, CO-CEO of Tangível, installed at LISPOLIS, listed the advantages and disadvantages of remote work for companies:
- Shorter travel time for employees (from home to work and back)
- Self-management and more flexible time between personal and professional hours
- Less pressure from the team and hierarchy
- Greater employee independence
- Higher productivity (in most cases)
- Greater challanges in managing the team
- More working hours
- Difficulty to disassociate time and workspace from time and personal space
- Greater disfellowshipping of the company’s culture and less team spirit
- Difficulty in integrating new elements into the team
Francisco Almada Lobo, CEO of Critical Manufacturing, installed at TECMAIA, said that in his perspective the return to face-to-face work may be flexible and not mandatory, depending on the company’s culture and sector of activity, but the existence of a physical space remains fundamental, although it may undergo changes in its dynamics to respond to an increasingly pressing need: that of collaborative activities and socialization.
He also mentioned the skills he considers fundamental for the success of companies that maintain a remote or mixed regime (remote + in person):
- Employee autonomy
- Communication capacity
- Scanned processes
- Organizations with a less hierarchical model
Both speakers agreed that the concepts of Hub, Cowork and Common Spaces will be used more and more and companies can offer activities that are attractive to employees and regular internal events in order to maintain team spirit. However, the balance between remote and face-to-face work will depend on the top management of each company and its view on the benefits and losses of each option.
Discover all the insights that resulted in this session in the full video (in portuguese):