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  • Maintain personal hygiene care
  • Be extra careful with older people
  • Avoid public places, crowds and closed rooms

Since the situation requires companies to adapt, we would like to know if:

  • Did you already had the opportunity to read the LISPOLIS Contingency Plan (aqui)
  • Has your company already created a Contingency Plan
  • Your company equates / is already promoting remote work

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Big Data Technologies to Analyze Behaviors, Reputation and Consumption

    Entidade:  INDIE e LISPOLIS
On March 8, the "Big Data Technologies to Analyze Behaviors, Reputation and Consumption" will be held at LISPOLIS, between 9am and 11am, promoted by INDIE in partnership with LISPOLIS.


This meeting intends - not only with examples but with its own technological applications - to show the panorama of changes in the technological area, as well as to answer if the automation, promised by the big data technologies, will be able to change the way to manage businesses, consumers and reputation of companies and individuals.


The multiplication of technological solutions that fuel the "predictive utopia," where all movements of consumers, organizations and governments will be identified through artificial intelligence, provokes a new race whose gold would be the databases cultivated and administered by corporations, governments and social institutions. The data, processed by computer language that popularize applications based on machine learning. Once trended, today's Big Data propagated into a market that merges high-tech and high-tech to better identify and sell to public microsecrets, produce corporate reputation strategies, track message flows during crises in public opinion, plan campaigns and marketing actions, govern the image among consumers through real-time monitoring on social networks.


Registration is free, here.


Check out the full program:

  • Utrassegmentation in social media.

  • BIGData classification and analysis process.

  • Applications of cultural analytics.

  • Identification of lifestyles through data from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Blogs.

  • "Big" projects in insights: based on research.



INDIE.MEET® is an initiative of INDIE., A company with expertise in structuring and communicating business and uses artificial intelligence tools to support strategic information management planning and projects. He has extensive experience with the most different company profiles, which allows him to deliver a rich and focused work based on market intelligence and global multifunctional experience. He has worked in Brazil for large corporate communications agencies, such as the In Press Group, the Machine Group, the Informe Group, RP1 and Re9 Comunicação. And now it starts its operation in Portugal.
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