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  • If possible, choose remote work
  • Maintain personal hygiene care
  • Be extra careful with older people
  • Avoid public places, crowds and closed rooms

Since the situation requires companies to adapt, we would like to know if:

  • Did you already had the opportunity to read the LISPOLIS Contingency Plan (aqui)
  • Has your company already created a Contingency Plan
  • Your company equates / is already promoting remote work

We remind you that the primary contact for support on Coronavirus is the number SNS24: 808 24 24 24 

18th itSMF Annual Conference 2022 – Reliability and Agility of Service Management

On October 11, 2022, we will host at the Lispolis Auditorium, the 18th itSMF Annual Conference, which will have as theme this year the “Reliability and Agility of Service Management”. It will take place in a hybrid format (face-to-face and online).

This conference will address two themes that have been quite current in companies and businesses, essentially after the change in working models and adaptation that the pandemic forced everyone to.

Are companies/organisations still providing services with the agreed quality? Are cybersecurity concerns properly ensured in every transaction with stakeholders? And at what speed is all this happening?

These are some of the questions that will be debated throughout the day by a set of national and international experts. Already confirmed the presences of:

– Rui Barroso and Fernando Palma in a presentation on “Digital transformation and IT service management in a hospital environment”;

– Nelson Pita will speak about “Management System Implementation in Santa Casa da Misericórdia”;

– Francisco Sismeiro will make a presentation on “Experience of ISO20000-1 implementation and services”;

– As an international speaker we have Johann Amsenga speaking on “Trustworthiness in service delivery”;


Registration for the big annual meeting will open soon at

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