The “NOVA FCSH Best Business Idea Award” aims to support the most innovative business ideas within the Social and Human Sciences.
Applications may be made individually or in groups, and at least one of the team members must be a student, former student, teacher, employee, researcher or fellow at NOVA FCSH.
The winner will be awarded with a value of € 3,000 and second place will be awarded with a value of € 1,000. Check out the other prizes HERE.
The period of applications for the award runs until November 3, 2019.
You can consult the FCSH Business Plan Template and Application Guide on the NOVA FCSH website.
From October 2, the Innovation Center will organize several free admission support workshops:
Application Support Phase (Optional)
a) 10/02/2019 (14h30-16h00) | Workshop “I have an idea now?”
b) 10/9/2019 (2:30 pm – 4:00 pm) | Eco-Innovation Workshop (Bee Circular)
c) Until 10/13/2019 at 23:59 | Call for business ideas (describe business idea in 100 words via this link)
d) 10/16/2019 (2:30 pm – 4:00 pm) | Workshop “How to make a business plan”
e) Until 10/21/2019 at 23:59 | Call to send the business plan (NOVA FCSH model) to the e-mail:
f) 10/23/2019 (2:30 pm – 4:00 pm) | Workshop “Financial Plan for Beginners” (CASFLO – Market Engine)
g) 10/30/2019 (2:30 pm – 4:00 pm) | Marketing for Innovative Ideas Workshop
h) 11/06/2019 (14h30-16h00) | How to pitch Workshop
All workshops will take place in the Innovation Center Room, Level 0, Tower B.
Calls (c) and (e) are optional and participants may enjoy an individual session supporting the “Best Business Idea Award – NOVA FCSH / Santander Universities” application with a member of the Innovation Center.
Application Validation Process Phase (Required)
1) Until 03/11/2019 at 23:59 | Deadline for submission of final application (Curriculum Vitae and Final Business Plan)
2) 11/11/2019 | Final pitch (time and place to be indicated)
See all the Awards HERE.