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  • If possible, choose remote work
  • Maintain personal hygiene care
  • Be extra careful with older people
  • Avoid public places, crowds and closed rooms

Since the situation requires companies to adapt, we would like to know if:

  • Did you already had the opportunity to read the LISPOLIS Contingency Plan (aqui)
  • Has your company already created a Contingency Plan
  • Your company equates / is already promoting remote work

We remind you that the primary contact for support on Coronavirus is the number SNS24: 808 24 24 24 

Young Entrepreneurs Social Program

The Young Entrepreneurs Social Program (JES) is an initiative of the European University as part of the YouthActionNet program promoted by the International Youth Foundation and supported by Laureate International Universities. The program is aimed at young social leaders between the ages of 18 and 29, who are founders or co-founders of a social and / or environmental project in Portugal, with the objective of recognizing and rewarding young people and projects capable of inspiring the Portuguese civil society. This Program already exists a little around the world, in the Institutions of Laureate and already has 16 years of existence and with about 1500 participants.



The aim is to provide young entrepreneurs with skills development and professional growth by providing resources and tools to boost their projects and initiatives.


This initiative aims to be a reference in the field of young social entrepreneurship, and this is one of the pillars of the European University’s policy of social responsibility, whose pillars are transparency, cooperation for development and environmental action, as well as the contributions inherent in a Institution of higher education: education and training.


A specialized Jury will select five young people who lead, or co-lead, young entrepreneurship projects, who are offered a week of training in Madrid, placing them in the network network with the winners of former editions of JES in Spain .


They will also have the mentorship of the ASHOKA fellows and their network, with privileged access to a worldwide network of social entrepreneurs around the world.

In addition, they will be given a donation worth € 2,000 so they can invest in their projects.


The projects of the 5 young winners will be announced by Laureate’s international network, giving them the maximum visibility possible, while at the same time they will be integrated into the network of young entrepreneurs YouthActionNet, worldwide, with about 1500 members in more than 90 countries. In this way, they can share good practices, experiences and promote social progress in a collaborative way.


Registration is open until September 10. Learn more here.

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